Best Desktop Vaporizers 2024
The best desktop vaporizers available right now for dry herb and concentrates
Desktop vapes were the first vaporizers ever sold on the open market. Originally designed as an alternative to smoking weed, they’re essentially special ovens that bake dry herb at specific temperatures to produce vapor. The vapor is then inhaled using a tube, referred to as a whip, or using traditional vaporizer bags.
Dry herb desktop vapes typically plug into the wall and run on A/C power. Today, there are also many portable dry herb vaporizers that use rechargeable batteries. Vaping weed or legal high-CBD strains provide a different experience from smoking, with more pronounced flavor and less odor.
Here are the best desktop devices currently on the market.
Volcano Hybrid
The Hybrid adds extra versatility and speed to the classic Volcano. It features a 100-watt heater capable of 40-second heat-up times, which is 10 times faster than the original. Other features include an LED display, integrated touch buttons, precision temp control, and Bluetooth compatibility. The Hybrid also utilizes a combination of conduction/convection heating and provides smooth, flavorful draws.
Bowl size: 0.75 grams
Heat-up time: 40 seconds
Power/temp settings: 104 – 446°F
Material compatibility: dry herb and concentrates
Power: wall plug
Build quality: stainless steel
Type of heat: conduction/convection
Vapor path: stainless steel
Ease of cleaning: easy
The Hybrid utilizes a similar herb chamber to the classic Volcano. It stays relatively clean and is very easy to maintain. All you need to do is soak the heating chamber and give it a scrub once in a while. This vaporizer is perfect for home use and group sessions with friends. There are concentrate pods available, so you can also use the Volcano with wax and oil.
Dr. Dabber Switch
The Dr. Dabber Switch is a truly unique device. It’s essentially a cross between a desktop herb vaporizer and a dab rig. Using the Switch, you can vape both concentrates and dry herb, while utilizing its range of 25 different heat presets. It has a powerful internal battery that provides hours of vaping time.
- Bowl size: 0.33 grams
- Heat-up time: 10 seconds
- Power/temp settings:
- Material compatibility: dry herb and concentrates
- Power: internal rechargeable battery
- Build quality: metal
- Type of heat: induction
- Vapor path: ceramic / glass
- Ease of cleaning: moderately easy
The heating element uses a new type of heating system called induction. This allows it to heat up way faster than any other unit. In as little as 10 seconds, you can get your session underway. The vapor passes through a bubbler, which purifies each hit and allows you to consume more at a time.
Arizer Extreme Q
The Extreme Q is the best desktop vape in its price range. It’s compatible with a whip, bag, or bubbler and utilizes convection heating using a ceramic heating element and ultra-quiet fan. Other features include fully adjustable temperature control, LED screen, multiple ceramic heating cups, and a remote control! The EQ also has a built-in sleep timer and three different fan settings.
- Bowl size: 0.5 grams
- Heat-up time: 2 minutes
- Power/temp settings: 122 – 500°F
- Material compatibility: dry herb
- Power: wall plug
- Build quality: metal
- Type of heat: convection
- Vapor path: ceramic/glass
- Ease of cleaning: easy
Arizer has a good track record, especially for dry herb vaporizers. The Extreme Q has been around for a few years now and is the go-to device for vapers on a budget who still want top-performing features and a diverse range of options.
Storz & Bickel Plenty
The Plenty comes from the makers of the Volcano. It produces thick, dense vapor that gets very close to simulating smoke. It uses a hybrid of convection and conduction heating and a triple helix whip design to keep it cool. The device looks like a mad science experiment, but at the same time is a nice conversation piece.
- Bowl size: 0.3 grams
- Heat-up time: 3 minutes
- Power/temp settings: 266 – 392°F
- Material compatibility: dry herb and concentrates
- Power: wall plug
- Build quality: hard plastic
- Type of heat: hybrid (convection and conduction)
- Vapor path: stainless steel
- Ease of cleaning: moderately easy
The Plenty is German-engineered and built to last. It uses food safe materials and has an extremely efficient design. There are seven different heat settings ranging from cooler vapor to super thick clouds. The Plenty was designed for dry herb but can now handle concentrates using proprietary liquid pads.
Arizer V Tower
The V Tower is an affordable alternative to vaporizers like the Volcano. It utilizes convection heating, and its chamber holds a lot of bud. The device comes with two different whips, a shorter one and an extended one for higher temperatures.
- Bowl size: 0.5 grams
- Heat-up time: 2 minutes
- Power/temp settings: 122 - 500°F
- Material compatibility: dry herb
- Power: wall plug
- Build quality: stainless steel
- Type of heat: convection
- Vapor path: glass
- Ease of cleaning: moderately easy
The V Tower does fully adjustable temp control and features the cyclone bowl design for even heat distribution. It has an LCD screen that displays your preset and the actual temperature in real time. It also features an auto shut off timer.