Quick summary
- ZYN users may experience several nicotine-related benefits, such as increased metabolism, suppressed appetite, improved focus and memory, energy, and lower stress levels.
- Nicotine pouches pose significantly less harm than cigarettes. ZYNs are combustion-free, so they drastically reduce exposure to chemical toxicants.
- Unlike cigarette smoking, nicotine pouch use does not endanger those around you (no secondhand smoke).
- Although both nicotine pouches and vapes are valuable harm-reduction products, pouches offer some distinct advantages.
ZYN use is often labeled as a vice due to the addictive properties of nicotine. However, many consider nicotine pouches to be a valuable member of the tobacco harm reduction (THR) family. The health benefits of nicotine pouches for smokers seem undeniable: they are both combustion-free and tobacco-free, which dramatically reduces their potential for harm. With this in mind, it would be rash to write off ZYN as just another bad habit. They could change the landscape of nicotine use for the better.
This article will analyze several potential ZYN benefits by directly comparing nicotine pouches to cigarettes and vapes. We’ll also explore some of nicotine’s surprising health benefits, such as weight loss, energy, relaxation, and focus. Whether you’re a current ZYN user, a smoker, or just curious about the world of pouches, keep reading to learn what they have to offer.

Nicotine-related ZYN benefits
Because ZYN contains nicotine, users may experience some nicotine-related benefits. That may seem like an odd statement considering that many people—including an incredible 77 percent of cancer specialists—wrongly believe that nicotine causes cancer. Nicotine by itself has never been linked to cancer (it’s smoke that causes cancer), but it can have impacts on the body. Some of these impacts could be negative; however, others could prove to be beneficial for some users.
It is important to note that, despite its positive qualities, nicotine does cause dependence. It’s also not entirely risk-free.
ZYNs for weight loss?
The nicotine content in ZYN may promote weight loss by suppressing appetite and increasing metabolism.
Appetite-suppressant: Dopamine plays a crucial role in the brain’s pleasure and reward center. When we do something pleasurable, we get rewarded with a euphoric burst of dopamine. (This often becomes a positive feedback loop, which can lead to dependence.)
A dopamine release is induced by many behaviors, including eating and consuming nicotine. Thus, one could theoretically trick the brain’s reward system by substituting one behavior for another. If a ZYN provides a comparable level of satisfaction as junk food, it could lessen the appeal of a candy bar. The opposite may also be true, as evidenced by weight gain among smokers who quit. Without nicotine, the reward from food may increase, potentially leading to unhealthy eating habits.
Nicotine is also capable of tricking the body into feeling full prematurely, which may result in consuming fewer calories.
Metabolism increase: Nicotine also promotes weight loss by accelerating the body’s resting metabolic rate. This means that more calories may be burned without any additional effort. Even low doses of nicotine can increase energy expenditure. Again, this does not suggest that you should add ZYN to your weight loss plan. A bit of exercise, even a daily walk, would be a much healthier (and less addictive) method of burning those extra calories.

Do ZYNs help you focus or improve memory?
Nicotine stimulates the cholinergic system in the brain by binding to presynaptic nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). This causes the release of neurotransmitters that influence cognitive and motor function. Thus, ZYN users may experience short-term improvements in focus, attention, precision, response time, learning, and even memory.
These improvements are evidenced by a 2018 study involving non-smoking college archers. The participants who consumed 2 mg nicotine gum before competition performed significantly better than the placebo group.
In another interesting study, two sets of participants were given either a piece of 2 mg nicotine gum or a piece of 0 mg placebo gum and instructed to perform short-term memory tests. The nicotine group showed better reaction time performance in short-term memory compared to the placebo group.
While these impacts of nicotine are intriguing, it’s important to note that nicotine withdrawal may produce the opposite effects. Regular users who abstain from nicotine often have trouble concentrating and performing tasks.
Does ZYN give you energy?
Nicotine is a stimulant, so it’s certainly possible that ZYN could make you feel more energetic. When absorbed, nicotine prompts the adrenal gland to release epinephrine (adrenaline). The result is a temporary increase in respiration, heart rate, and blood pressure. These elevated vital signs may result in a short burst of energy.
Does ZYN make you calm or relaxed?
Despite nicotine’s reputation as a stimulant, it can also induce feelings of calm and relaxation. This is referred to as the “nicotine paradox”: increased cardiovascular arousal (physiological stimulation) coinciding with a decreased perception of stress (psychological relaxation).
These confounding mood enhancements may be the result of nAChRs regulating stress and anxiety systems in the brain. According to psychopharmacologist Paul Newhouse, “Nicotinic receptors in the brain appear to work by regulating other receptor systems. If you’re sleepy, nicotine tends to make you more alert. If you’re anxious, it tends to calm you.”
Some also theorize that the relaxing impacts of nicotine may directly relate to withdrawal; i.e., it is the body experiencing a sense of calm and relief after satisfying a craving. This explanation suggests that using nicotine pouches could both cause and relieve stress.
Regardless, there is plenty of evidence (both scientific and anecdotal) suggesting that nicotine may have a calming effect by lowering stress, stress arousal levels, and even anger. The precise mechanisms at play (as well as unique variables such as gender, mental/physical health, tolerance, etc.) seem up for debate.
ZYN health benefits compared to smoking
Few would argue that switching from smoking to nicotine pouches could pose significant health benefits. The nicotine in pouches is slowly absorbed via oral mucous membranes, which deliver it to the bloodstream. Nicotine gum functions in the same manner, and it has been an FDA-approved nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) since 1984.
Here are a few reasons why such products can benefit smokers who are trying to quit:
Fewer toxic chemicals: Cigarette smoke contains 4,000-7,000 chemicals (depending on the source), around 70 of which are linked to cancer. This toxic concoction is fueled by the combustion process, which is completely absent in ZYN use. When compared to cigarettes, nicotine pouches dramatically decrease user exposure to chemical toxicants. Studies have also revealed pouches display fewer biomarkers of disease risk. Overall, the data strongly suggests that switching from combusted tobacco to combustion-free nicotine products like pouches is very likely to have a positive health benefit.
No secondhand smoke: Smoke not only endangers you, but also the people around you, especially children, pregnant people, and those with underlying health conditions. ZYNs are combustion-free, so pose no health threats to bystanders.
Nicotine options: While not necessarily a health benefit, the variety of nicotine strengths is another advantage of pouches. This allows users to consume the precise amount of nicotine they need. It also simplifies the process of tapering down to lower levels.

My experience
I made the switch from cigarettes to vapes over a decade ago, and they’ve been incredibly effective at managing my cravings. Over the past few years, however, I’ve started using nicotine pouches as well (not simultaneously). Although I’m still a fan of vapes, I accept that they are lacking in some ways, and nicotine pouches seem to fill those voids.
For me, one of the most valuable ZYN benefits is how discreet they are. Vapor attracts too much attention; some find it irritable, and it is prohibited in many public places. It also fogs up my car whenever it’s too cold or rainy to crack a window. These aren’t concerns for nicotine pouch users.
Any time I need nicotine and vaping is inconvenient, I have another option—an ace up my sleeve. I frequently use ZYN for air travel, during gatherings with family and friends, while grocery shopping, at restaurants, etc. It’s convenient and eliminates the need for stealth vaping or frequent trips outside.
There are also times when I’m physically incapable of vaping, such as bouts with a cold, flu, or sinus infection. And even if vaping were possible, it wouldn’t be a good idea, as it could cause additional chest and throat irritation. In such cases, ZYNs always manage to satisfy my nicotine cravings without causing discomfort or hindering the recovery process.
ZYN compared to vapes
Vapes, or e-cigarettes, have skyrocketed in popularity over the last 15 years as an effective and satisfying method of tobacco harm reduction. Millions of smokers across the world switched to these less harmful alternatives. More recently, nicotine pouches have been stealing the THR spotlight. While vapes are still beloved by many, nicotine pouches offer several advantages that make them more appealing for some nicotine users:
- No vapor: One of the most celebrated ZYN benefits is that they are considerably more discreet than vapes. They are not a distraction in public, nor do they fill the room with plumes of vapor. Most people can’t even notice that you’re using them, which means you can consume them almost anywhere.
- No smell: Vapor often has a distinct odor when exhaled. Some people are sensitive to smells, so ZYNs are a much more considerate option for those around you.
- Lower risk: All nicotine products pose some degree of risk. Although vapes are quite low on the nicotine risk continuum, nicotine pouches are slightly lower—primarily because nothing is inhaled. For nicotine users aiming to reduce their risk as much as possible, pouches, gum, and lozenges are among the safest options.
- No inhaling: Inhaling anything into the lungs poses risks. Some find vapor irritating and experience frequent coughing. Former smokers with COPD may have limited lung capacity. For others, it can be difficult to vape with a sore throat or chest congestion. Switching to ZYN eliminates these issues.
- Simplicity: Although some vapes are quite easy to use, none compares to the simplicity of a nicotine pouch. Tuck a ZYN in your lip and carry on with your day—that’s it! Minimal effort is required. You’ll also never need to read a user manual, recharge a battery, or purchase any additional components.

Jeremy VanOs
Vaping for: 11 years
Favorite products:
Favorite flavors: Tobaccos, fruits, custards
Expertise in: RTAs, RDAs, MTL vapes, coil-building
Jeremy VanOs
Vaping empowered me to kick a lengthy smoking habit in 2014. It changed my life and I never looked back. Although vaping quickly became a hobby, my real passion is helping smokers make the switch and spreading awareness about the potential of these products. I have been writing vape content and working behind the scenes in the industry since 2016.

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