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Updated: March 5, 2025

Best 21700 Batteries 2025

A look at the best 21700s currently available on the market.

Vaping360 Staff
2 min to read
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Samsung 30T

The Samsung 30Ts are the best 21700s for high-wattage vaping. While not the longest lasting of the bunch (quite the contrary), if you are in the market for powerful 21700s you should get some 30Ts. Up to recently the only cells that could reliably go up to 100 watts, 30Ts are also ideal for 21700-compatible mech mods.

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Samsung 40T

The Samsung 40T comes with a name you can trust. Best paired with a regulated single or dual-battery mod and good for up to around 70 watts per cell, 40Ts will give you an all-day running time while performing at a consistent level throughout. If you are not vaping at very high wattages, this is the cell to get.

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Sony VTC6A

The Sony VTC6A is a dependable battery that performs almost identically to the Samsung 40T. It is a great battery for vaping up to around 70 watts per cell, and its 4000 mAh capacity provides long vaping times. It's not as widely available as some other batteries on the market, so we are placing it third on the list.

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Samsung have advised against using their batteries in vape products.

21700s are the latest batteries for vaping. They are considered an upgrade over 20700s and 18650s because they come with a larger capacity and can generally be operated at higher wattages. With more and more companies coming out with 21700-compatible vape mods lately, these batteries are considered by many to be the future of vaping. Outside of vaping, 21700s are mainly used in the electric vehicle market (electric bikes and cars).

Most of the batteries that don’t come from long-time electronics manufacturers such as Sony, Samsung, Panasonic, and LG, are rewrapped cells. Many of these come with exaggerated specs, so always do your research before purchasing batteries for your vape.


Note: Always practice battery safety when operating powerful lithium-ion cells. Make sure you understand Ohm’s law, especially if using mechanical mods. And only charge vape batteries in dedicated battery chargers.

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Samsung 30T

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The Samsung 30Ts are the best 21700s for high-wattage vaping. While not the longest lasting of the bunch (quite the contrary), if you are in the market for powerful 21700s you should get some 30Ts. Up to recently the only cells that could reliably go up to 100 watts, 30Ts are also ideal for 21700-compatible mech mods.

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Samsung 40T

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The Samsung 40T comes with a name you can trust. Best paired with a regulated single or dual-battery mod and good for up to around 70 watts per cell, 40Ts will give you an all-day running time while performing at a consistent level throughout. If you are not vaping at very high wattages, this is the cell to get.

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Sony VTC6A

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The Sony VTC6A is a dependable battery that performs almost identically to the Samsung 40T. It is a great battery for vaping up to around 70 watts per cell, and its 4000 mAh capacity provides long vaping times. It's not as widely available as some other batteries on the market, so we are placing it third on the list.

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Hohm Run XL

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Hohm Tech is a company that's not afraid to associate its name with vaping. They offer a wide array of batteries in various sizes, including 21700s. The Hohm Run XL is a great 21700 battery for vaping up to 75 watts per cell, and its capacity is only slightly lower than that of the Samsung 40T and the Sony VTC6A.

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Hohm Run

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The Hohm Tech Run features a lower capacity than its XL sibling, but makes up for it with a higher amp rating. Good for vaping up to 100 watts per cell, and offering a 3023 mAh capacity, the Hohm Tech Run is one of the best batteries for sub ohm vaping you can get.

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How we picked the batteries

Choosing “best batteries” is not something to pick simply based on subjective likes. While our international team of experts and vape enthusiasts use the batteries on our lists, our recommendations and product selection could not have taken place without first going over the data offered by Battery Mooch.

Battery Mooch (or just Mooch) is the vape community’s expert tester of batteries. For a few years now, he’s been supplying the community with in-depth and reliable testing for the majority of batteries used in vaping.

This is not his list of best batteries, though all these batteries have been verified by his battery charts to be worthy of inclusion. Mooch and his highly detailed research can be found on his E-cigarette Forum blog, his channel on YouTube, and his recommendations on Reddit.

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