Elf Bar is changing the brand name on its products sold in the United States to EBDESIGN after a federal judge ordered the company to stop using the ELFBAR name until a trademark dispute is decided.
EBDESIGN-branded products will arrive in the U.S. soon after March 10. Product model numbers will remain the same, as will the appearance of the devices. Model numbers will be more prominent on the devices and packaging, and the brand name will be smaller.
Beware of ELFBAR-branded products still being sold in stores. They could be fake (or counterfeit) Elf Bars.
Given how insanely popular Elf Bars have become, it was only a matter of time before counterfeit disposable vapes started to flood the market. Unfortunately, fake Elf Bars are a real problem, but you can easily avoid them by following our guidelines below.
Thankfully for consumers, Elf Bar has gone to great lengths to avoid counterfeit products falling into the hands of vapers. They have also made it very easy to quickly determine if your device is real or fake by using the QR code on the security sticker placed on the outside of the packaging.
How to check if your Elf Bar is the real thing
Follow the simple steps below to check if your Elf Bar is genuine. This will work with all Elf Bar models, including their most popular products, like the 600 and Elf Bar BC5000.
1) Locate the security sticker on the outside of the packaging.
2) Scan the QR code featured on the security sticker with your smartphone camera. Open your phone’s camera and hold it directly over the QR code. A hyperlink will appear on your phone screen. Click on this hyperlink to take you to the verification page on the Elf Bar website.
3) You should now see the following text if your Elf Bar is real: “The security code you inquired about is correct.” If, however, the website says the following: “Sorry, the security code is invalid, please check your input and submit again.” - then your device is fake.
4) If you do not have a smartphone or are having issues with the QR code scanner, you can go to the official Elf Bar website, and manually input the security code, which can be found directly below the QR code on the physical sticker.

What to do if you have purchased a fake Elf Bar?
Immediately cease usage of the device. Don’t buy any more vape products from that retailer. You can try and return it to the store you bought it from, but it’s unlikely to result in a refund. After all, if a store sells counterfeit products, it’s likely they don’t have any integrity, nor would they be willing to stand by the product.
You can also reach out to Elf Bar through their contact form. This is unlikely to help you as the consumer, but it will help Elf Bar in their ongoing battle to combat fake Elf Bars and, thereby, also your fellow vapers.
*If you feel unwell after using a device determined to be counterfeit, consult with your doctor. Save the device, just in case.

How to avoid buying counterfeit Elf Bars
Our number one rule for avoiding fake disposable vapes is to purchase through a reputable retailer. If you are purchasing online, we highly recommend using, which is a well-trusted vape shop and brand who have been around for many years.
Alternatively, if you are going to purchase offline, we recommend using a trusted local vape shop or smoke shop. Be careful to avoid seedy gas stations or kiosks that openly sell synthetic drugs and dangerous weapons at the checkout.

Are fake Elf Bars dangerous?
Reputable manufacturers plan on being in business for a long time. They cannot afford faulty or dangerous products to be hitting the market under their name. Manufacturers, therefore, spend huge amounts of money on quality assurance, clean manufacturing facilities, and product safety features. The same cannot be said for counterfeit producers who are only there to make a quick buck.
A fake product has a much higher chance of something going wrong or the e-juice not being right. Whilst it is very unlikely, using a fake product could have harmful consequences for your health. In our opinion, it is not worth the risk. Before you use any Elf Bar product, follow the above-mentioned steps to ensure yours is a genuine Elf Bar.

Chris Kendell
Vaping for: 11 years
Favorite products:
Favorite flavors: Mango and mixed fruits
Expertise in: Pod vapes & disposable vapes
Chris Kendell
Chris Kendell is the co-founder of Vaping360. He started the website with his brother and co-founder Alex in 2014, after Alex introduced him to vaping. Chris was immediately won over by the revolutionary and potentially lifesaving impacts that vaping can have on our society. In his minuscule spare time, you can find Chris travelling and exploring new places from his base in Germany, eating delicious food and enjoying a range of different sports.

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