Vaping360 is thrilled to announce the launch of our new Discord server! You could be one of the first members of our global community—a place where like-minded vapers can engage in real conversations, show off their favorite products, ask for advice, and read up on the latest news. It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or an expert, there’s plenty of room for everyone!
Why Join the Vaping360 Discord Community?
- You’ll be part of our core group: our first members will help us lay the groundwork and shape this community into something special.
- Connect with the Vaping360 team: ask us questions and share your feedback. We’re excited to finally have an opportunity to engage with our readers. Don’t be a stranger!
- Interact with your fellow vapers across the globe: make new friends, share experiences, and connect via private messages and video calls.
- Stay updated: learn about breaking news, regulations, product releases, and much more.
- Get advice from experienced vapers: whether you’re struggling with a leaky tank, trying to build your first RTA, or seeking product recommendations, you’ll have a knowledgeable community to help you along.
- Participate in events: we plan on hosting contests, polls, and (potentially) some Q&As with our staff and industry experts.

And here’s the best part: the Vaping360 Discord group is totally free! Simply click the link below to join. New to Discord? No problem. It’s an incredibly intuitive social platform, so you’ll catch on in no time. We hope you’ll join us as we embark on this exciting new endeavor. This community is for you, without whom Vaping360 would not exist. It’s time to open the doors and provide a more personal form of engagement for our readers. We’re looking forward to meeting you, seeing your setups, sharing a few laughs, and building this community together.

Vaping360 Staff